Courses and Lessons

Courses and Instruction

We offer courses in

  • German as a foreign language
  • English
  • Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography (language of instruction is German)

Topics and skills

The topics presented in the courses and the skills to be acquired are defined in module descriptions (texts in German):

*) The course level AN (German for students with no pre-knowledge) is only available in exceptional cases (the reason for that is, that universities usually require German knowledge on an A2-level already at the admission process).

More information (available in German only) on content, courses and exams in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and history can be found on

Course Scheme and Rules

For German courses there are 5 course levels - see course system. After a placement test the students are placed in the course corresponding to their level of German language proficiency. There are multinational classes of approx. 20 students.



Academically qualified lecturers teach according to

Semester basis

Like at universities each course lasts one semester (320-350 lessons/24 lessons per week in the German courses at VWU directly, 320 lessons with cooperation partners):

  • Winter semester: end of September to end of January
  • Summer semester: end of February to end of June


All students are enrolled as non degree-programme students (außerordentliche Studierende) at their universities while they study at the VWU. They have the status of university students and have a student identity card of their university.

Downloads to courses (German only)